Hey @Susan,
Great question! Here are some initial thoughts.
The closest currently would be the quick actions:
[image: 1709276803651-8a312111-5281-4034-9963-0bee34eaf791-image.png]
They can be clicked multiple times and keep and keep a count:
[image: 1709276836846-4c23b973-7d05-46f5-98f1-ecc290f74485-image.png]
More quick actions can be added in WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > Custom Lists > Quick Actions.
2 other possible paths:
The share app, a user can track when and where they share: https://disciple.tools/plugins/share-app/
The lead lag plugin. Send an email to each user each week asking them to fill out a form which populates "report" records. This one is a bit more complex to set up. https://disciple.tools/plugins/survey-collection/
building a "count" field that acts like the quick actions.