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    Connections Template The new Post Connections template for the Magic Links plugin allows you to quickly and easily create custom interfaces for your users to interact with a list of posts that are related to their user, contact, group, or any other record. Using this template, you can send any user a magic link that is tailored for use on their mobile device to manage just the information that is applicable to them. You can create separate links for your digital responders, on-ground multipliers, or any other unique roles you have in your system. Choose a base post type and then select any connection field to choose what records are available in the link. Then choose only the fields you want them to see and edit. You now have your own custom interface that you can use for only the users it applies to. For example, you could have a list of all of the contacts that another contact is coaching. Or the contacts they baptized. Or you could have a list of all the groups that a contact is leading. You could even have a magic link showing all the groups that are child groups of another group that you could send to the group leader for them to manage. The possibilities are endless! Bonus: If you are making use of the Home Screen plugin that gives an easy mobile home screen to each user, any Post Connections template you create that is related to a contact that is a user will automatically be shown on their home screen. Demo Video and Setup Instructions What you'll see [image: f0ad21a4-4a9b-4246-8ef0-6b376ff94316] [image: cedb89ad-54fc-4de3-812d-320ab235e82d] [image: 7f408b4c-3be2-4d10-baa7-82abadf33a46]
  • A place to talk about whatever you want

    35 Topics
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    Suzette SuttonS
    when a new contact meets certain data criteria automatically send a customized email What plugin(s), settings and steps have been successful for this task? what is free and what requires pro?
  • 18 Topics
    55 Posts
    Suzette SuttonS
    Is there a way to automatically send out an email when a new contact meets criteria - such as a new believer automatic welcome?
  • 3 Topics
    3 Posts
    Trying to add a D.T site to the Wordfence Central and seeing this error? [image: 1699349694389-7b1fb0ec-294d-4aba-8838-14988d9565ed-image.png] The error message says cloudflare is blocking the request. This is actually due to Disciple.Tools blocking unrestricted rest endpoints. To enable go to WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > Security > API Whitelist. Add these urls to the box and save: wp-json/wordfence/v1 wp-json/wordfence/v1/authenticate wp-json/wordfence/v1/config wp-json/wordfence/v1/disconnect wp-json/wordfence/v1/scan wp-json/wordfence/v1/scan/issues wp-json/wordfence/v1/scan/issue [image: 1699349916935-f1028d52-291e-4c5f-84a9-bbc781ed9ba4-image.png]
  • 35 Topics
    122 Posts
    I thought i'd wait and see if we got more data deletion requests, but we haven't. I couldn't match any of the IDs given with any contact in our system. My guess is that these data deletion requests are for any facebook users that has interacted with our page at any point, and not necessarily someone who has messaged our page and been added to D.T through the Facebook integration. Ideally the facebook plugin would have a way to paste in the IDs and have it search if any contacts exist. This would be a manual process. Then you'd have to determine if you need to delete the contact. I think this data request would just be deleting facebook conversations and associated data. It would not necessarily mean deleting the contact and all conversations and notes outside or after the facebook conversation. I'm not certain though.
  • 3 Topics
    6 Posts
    @Jordan-Brown It's more of a general overview before the "how to starts". The one's who don't need context and just the how to can just jump to it. Most of the video's I see nowadays have them broken up into segments with a title at each topical change point so noone is stuck watching info they don't need in a longer video. The videos can be longer but because they are broken up and identified with topics you can just pick what you need. So one, I don't want to waste a more experienced user with info they don't want on an explanation but I feel that feature could solve that issue for them. For me, at this point, I would like the video to NOT start with "we are going to show you how to do X. First go to the ....then select ...." I would suggest that the videos start with something like, "We are going to show you how to do X". X is quite a beneficial feature for those of you looking to do x, y, z in a B scenario. Typically our users leverage this feature to provide X, Y Z because they need to be able to track "T". You might also want to use X in the case of P if you are an enduser needing to manage "B". Now that we know some uses for X let's look at how to install it." Thanks for your consideration.
  • 1 Topics
    7 Posts
    Thanks @mbrown!