Connections Template
The new Post Connections template for the Magic Links plugin allows you to quickly and easily create custom interfaces for your users to interact with a list of posts that are related to their user, contact, group, or any other record. Using this template, you can send any user a magic link that is tailored for use on their mobile device to manage just the information that is applicable to them. You can create separate links for your digital responders, on-ground multipliers, or any other unique roles you have in your system.
Choose a base post type and then select any connection field to choose what records are available in the link. Then choose only the fields you want them to see and edit. You now have your own custom interface that you can use for only the users it applies to.
For example, you could have a list of all of the contacts that another contact is coaching. Or the contacts they baptized. Or you could have a list of all the groups that a contact is leading. You could even have a magic link showing all the groups that are child groups of another group that you could send to the group leader for them to manage. The possibilities are endless!
If you are making use of the Home Screen plugin that gives an easy mobile home screen to each user, any Post Connections template you create that is related to a contact that is a user will automatically be shown on their home screen.
Demo Video and Setup Instructions
What you'll see
[image: f0ad21a4-4a9b-4246-8ef0-6b376ff94316]
[image: cedb89ad-54fc-4de3-812d-320ab235e82d]
[image: 7f408b4c-3be2-4d10-baa7-82abadf33a46]