The 1.0.0 release of the Setup Wizard plugin supports the creation of a step-by-step wizard interface based on a JSON-formatted configuration. You can create a standard template that you will use across multiple sites and then paste it into the plugin settings.
After saving the config, you will see a step-by-step wizard that allows you to update your site configuration through installing plugins, adding users, updating WordPress options, or just plain text that will link you to external systems that need to be updated.
The plugin is tailored towards tech-savvy site admins who will be setting up multiple sites over time. In the future, some standard templates can be added to make this more useful for the less tech-savvy users who want a basic template to start with.
See screenshots below for the different wizard steps that can be set up.
Download the 1.0.0 Release:
[image: documentation%2Fscreenshots%2Fwizard-step-options.png]
[image: documentation%2Fscreenshots%2Fwizard-step-text.png]
[image: documentation%2Fscreenshots%2Fwizard-step-plugins.png]
[image: documentation%2Fscreenshots%2Fwizard-step-users.png]