Magic Link/Create contacts and group records
Hey, @oneW, great questions!
The import plugin will let you import a CSV list.
The webform plugin will let you set up a webform to create contacts. (Unfortunately only contacts and not groups).Being able to create contacts and groups from the magic link would be an awesome upgrade.
@Corsac Thank you.
@Corsac Hi, I am trying to update a test church from the magic link and It has an error that says "unable to update record details." It updates the new contacts even though it says this.
It also doesn't have the name box where they can name the church. I have it enabled in the setting in the magic link. So when I click "submit Update" it doesn't create a new group, even though it creates the contacts,
Any thoughts?
@oneW can you confirm which version of the magic link plugin you have installed and include a screenshot of the error with the field values being submitted?
@Corsac Version 1.19.0. I deleted a couple plugins and seems to be working now. I can now see the churches added and do not get any errors.. Thanks
C Corsac moved this topic from General Discussion on
Hey @oneW
Guess what!?
Creating contacts from the Magic Links is now possible!Would you be willing to test it out?
@Corsac That's awesome! However, when I went to test it out I don't have the field "support creating new items." It just has the same fields as before.
@oneW Which magic link are you looking at?
Also please double check the plugin is now at v1.20. -
Hi @Corsac
Have successfully tried it just now. Thanks for this very useful update! -
Hi @oneW
A benefit of this new feature is that no other webform is needed, everything stays directly within DT.
However, a benefit of using a webform is that it can run at another URL/server, so that adversaries can't easily link the DT instance to the data collection tool. That can be a safety feature to protect the people in the field who are collecting the data. -
@Corsac I just updated the plugin and tried it successfully, Awesome, thanks!
@BV Yes, very helpful! Is there a way to connect report forms to track gospel presentations, salvations, JF showings, etc.? It would be nice to have everything in one link to make the admin side easier in the field. Most of the workers are uneducated so it becomes a burden to do these types of things, even though they are very necessary.
Both a webform and a magic link are suitable for tracking events like gospel presentations etc. -
Hello @Corsac, when I try to create a new contact using Magic Links, instead of creating a new contact it changes my own contact info.
For example, when I add Bob Smith as a new contact, no new contact is added. Instead, my username changes from "Admin" to Bob Smith and everything I put in his contact is now part of my contact!
Hey @User27,
That doesn't sound good. Can you tell me which magic link you are using, how you are accessing it and if your user is signed in?