Disciple.Tools v1.54
What's New
- Core CSV Export on list page by @kodinkat
- See and trigger scheduled jobs by @EthanW96
- Ability to delete activity for deleted fields in WP Admin > Utilities (D.T)> Scrips by @kodinkat
- Add link to the D.T Community Forum by @corsacca
- Fix sorting by decimal numbers on the records list page by @kodinkat
- Fix User List on mobile view by @kodinkat
- Fix error message when using the wrong password by @kodinkat
CSV Export on list page
Previously in the List Exports plugin, the CSV export feature has be upgraded and brought into core functionality.
See and trigger scheduled jobs
Disciple.Tools uses "Jobs" when a lot of actions need to happen. For example we want to send 300 users an email with a magic link. Since this might take a while, D.T will create 300 jobs to process and send the 300 emails. These jobs are processed in the background (using cron).
In this new page in WP Admin > Utilities (D.T) > Background Jobs you can see if there are any jobs waiting to be processed. And you can manually trigger them to be sent if you wish.
Community Forum
If you haven't already, check out the community forum at: https://community.disciple.tools/
Here's the new link:Full Changelog: https://github.com/DiscipleTools/disciple-tools-theme/compare/1.53.0...1.54.0