Backblaze Storage setup
There are details on github of how to setup a Backblaze account and bucket, but it is unclear what values should be put in to the Storage plugin config for Access Key, Secret Access Key, Region,
Endpoint, and Bucket. What am I supposed to put in each of these fields? The only thing in the github wiki just says "Copy the keyID and the ApplicationKey to Use in D.T". Those field names don't exist in the Storage plugin and there are 3 more fields that also seem to be needed. -
@CairoCoder you are right, there was missing clarity there.
I've copied the documentation out of github and to
I redid the Backblaze instructions with a scribe. Would you be able to run through them?, the new instruction might help you figure out your configuration too.
@Corsac That was very helpful. Thanks! I was able to get Backblaze set up correctly using that. It all made sense what to use where when you pointed it out. It just wasn't as clear without any knowledge of it from the start. The scribe is super helpful.