Group Details Private


  • RE: Adding custom geocoded locations fields

    Hey @ssolafide,

    Yes, right now only custom default location fields can be created.

    We have the custom location fields with the geocoding/mapping capabilities on roadmap. It will be an awesome feature. We gave implementation a shot and ran into some roadblocks.

    I'll move this to feature requests and will report here if/when it gets implemented.

    posted in Feature Requests
  • RE: Multi-site fields and tiles

    Hey @ssolafide,


    D.T doesn't have a UI for that currently.

    The best way to create fields and tiles "multisite wide" is by creating and customizing plugin. This can be done by copying and customizing the starter plugin.

    Here are 2 alternative that don't require any coding:

    posted in General Discussion
  • RE: API Headaches

    Thanks @mbrown!

    posted in Development
  • RE: API Headaches

    So glad you got it working @mbrown!

    Most of our dev has been in php and js so I'm not sure why the python script didn't work.

    Thanks for your suggestions on the dev branch.
    Have a look at, it allows installing themes and plugins from github with easy switching between branches. We use it a lot when testing new features.

    For the sites links. None of the default connection types allow for reading.
    So adding a read contacts option is a great idea.
    All permissions makes sense if you need to work with multiple record types: contacts and groups (or other record types).
    What would probably be best here is changing the system to use a checkbox list of permission so the admin can granularly set which permissions they want enabled. [ read_contacts, create_contacts, update_contacts, read_groups, etc ]

    posted in Development
  • Disciple.Tools v1.66

    New Contributors

    • @brady-lamansky-gtt made their first contribution. Welcome!

    New features

    • Genmapper - Show Colors and fields by @kodinkat
    • SSO Login: Setting to persist login by @corsacca
    • Default reply to on email notifications by @kodinkat
    • Workflow action: Comment placeholders by @brady-lamansky-gtt
    • Transferring Contacts to other instances: Ensure geocoded locations are copied by @kodinkat


    • SSO Login: allow logging in with firebase ID when email is not provided by @corsacca
    • SSO Login: Fix template issues by @squigglybob
    • Customizations: Fix tile label translations and clearing field translations by @corsacca
    • Customizations: Fix updating roles permissions by @kodinkat


    Default Reply To On Email Notifications

    When notifications are sent out, by default they come from a "" address. Sometimes users will reply to this email to provide an update on a contact and their reply might not be received.
    This feature lets you specify what email address those replies get sent to. You'll find it in the WP Admin > Settings (D.T)

    SSO Login: Setting to persist login

    If you have the D.T SSO login enabled, this feature lets you choose how long users should stay logged in for before they need to enter their password in again. Shorter is better for more secure environments, logger is better for ease of access when using D.T.
    You'll find this setting in WP Admin > Settings (D.T) > SSO

    Genmapper upgrades

    Now we can add status colors to the genmapper from the genmapper layers options. For contacts, this will be "Contact Status".


    We can also choose fields to add, like faith milestones:


    Workflow action: Comment tokens

    Use workflows to set comments on contacts and groups using placeholder or tokens that will get replaced with values from the record.

    Here let's ask the Assigned To user a question, {assigned_to} and {groups} will be replaced with the contact's values.


    When the workflow is triggered, we will get:


    Love these new features? Please join us with a financial gift.

    Follow progress and share ideas in the Disciple.Tools community:

    Full Changelog:

    posted in Announcements
  • RE: Using Facebook Plugin, comments are being repeated in the Comments and Activity Tile.

    Awesome. Thanks @jaichele70!

    posted in Facebook
  • RE: API Headaches

    Hey @mbrown,

    Thanks for messaging! We love the mission and vision of!
    A huge congrats on exploring the API docs and getting authentication working.

    I'll start off with a couple thoughts about migrating without using the API. In case that would prove easier.

    • A basic import export could be used using the CSV export on the list and then importing the csv using the Import plugin. This solution does have limitations as it won't copy over comments or connection fields.

    • We've used this plugin to migrate successfully between Wordpress multisite installs:

    Now for using the API.

    • The site link system was initially designed to enable creating contacts from outside D.T, like from the webform plugin. You are right that none of the default options allow for reading contacts. I've just played with adding a "all permissions" option. We'll need some time to think through the security implications, but you could go ahead and download that branch and use the new option. Github Pull Request:
      You'll need to go to the site links and select the "All permissions" connection type.
      Please let us know if this works as expected if you try it out.

    • Another option would be to use a JTW token authentication with your user instead of the site link. This will let you do any API call your user has permissions to do.
      JWT docs.

    Hope this lets you move forward. Please post again if you run into any issues.
    Also we'd love any help or suggestions on improving the dev docs to make it simpler for the next person.

    posted in Development
  • RE: Using Facebook Plugin, comments are being repeated in the Comments and Activity Tile.

    @jaichele70 Would you be able to confirm if the instance has a server cron job set up and if the default wordpress cron has been disabled?

    posted in Facebook
  • RE: Metricool Plugin?

    @jaichele70 not that i know of. We'd be happy to work with anyone able to invest the dev time.

    In this next season we plan on doing more to scope out a D.T social media messaging service that would bring all functionality directly within D.T.

    posted in General Discussion
  • RE: Collaborative Setup

    Thanks for messaging @AJ!

    Sounds like you have one main D.T instance that receives contacts from Echo.
    From there a main Dispatchers assigns contacts to the correct sub Dispatchers or Multipliers, or transfers the contacts to a team's D.T instance.

    I don't foresee any major problems. Here's a couple plugins that might help:

    The Teams plugin for the main D.T instance. This lets a contact be assigned to a team for them to follow up with.

    The Network Dashboard set up on the main D.T instance to pull stats from all the D.T instances.

    The Auto Assignment plugin to auto assign contacts based on location.

    posted in General Discussion