Hi. Abiding in JESUS has sent me here. I am seeking to reach my community for CHRIST. HIS heart burns for souls and when I seek the heart of GOD he has been encouraging me reach the LOST. If anyone here would like to connect, I have some UI and strategy for mass evangelism that has been working in OKC.
Welcome @KINGDOMgits!
I'd love to hear more about the UI and strategy you mention and the fruit you are seeing.
Are you using, or interested in using Disciple.Tools in your strategy?
Yes, please share more.
Purple Team Regional Leader
They're responsible for giving out the section maps to the teams of two.
When all the teams come back and celebrate highs and lows they'll track the totals on the tracking sheet on the back. They'll scan the section maps which contain the contacts, addresses, and special notes for followups (Salvations, Unmet needs, etc). -
Example of what a team of two receives. If they share the gospel 10 times, lead 2 to Christ and meet someone who is really struggling without a church they can add the info on the sides. X on the houses that were knocked on without an answer, and {CHECK} on the houses that do answer.The regional leader can gather all the maps after the outreach, or take pictures and then update a contact database.
We are filtering discipleship relationships into an excel sheet, then into disciple-mapper. One {BARRIER} for using Disciple.tools is if we already have hundreds of contacts and it doesn't seem there is a CSV import function. It doesn't seem feasible to enter each name one by one. Also, I was wondering if there is and option to connect disciple.tools to other tools that work with contacts. I am working on a custom version of disciplemapper for tracking followups and disciple status, but it is not plugged into a backend database. I thought it would be cool to connect disciple mapper to disciple.tools if I had the ability to with code.
@CORSAC Update:
We have been seeing people come to Christ but really need some help with a good followup and discipleship strategy. There are too many contacts and addresses. We have over 100 little maps, many of which have contacts on them with addresses that are difficult to manage. We use tools like disciple mapper to map disciples, but it seems Disciple.Tools may help advance the immediate followup process. The barrier and requested feature is if could format the headers in my CSV file to incorporate with disciple.tools and import the contacts CSV directly into disciple.tools. -
@KINGDOMgits thanks for sharing!!
You totally can import CSV content into Disciple.Tools.
You'll just need to install the CSV import plugin first: https://disciple.tools/plugins/disciple-tools-import/
Then head over to WP Admin > Extensions (D.T) > Import.