Emails not sending for user creation, reset password, etc
I am helping a team who has set up a new instance on their own (A friend in IT is helping them), but they are unable to receive any emails from the instance when setting up a new user, trying to reset their password, and other times.
How can I help them fix this issue? @Corsac @kodinkat
I have reached out to the friend in IT to see which hosting service he is using. Are there configurations he can check for on his side or things I can check on the instance admin side. I was able to get set up as an admin for their site.
Thank you!
From the friend who set up their instance:
"I spun up an Ubuntu server on Digital Ocean. I was just going to use the built-in PHP mailer for the emails, but it’s not delivering. Troubleshooting it now to see if there’s a misconfiguration somewhere."
Hey @Jordan-Brown,
On self hosted instances you will need to setup an email service to send email.
Emails sent from php-mailer will have a hard time with deliverability.We've used mailgun's pay as you go plan (they've hidden it recently).